The second miracle narrated by Aduarte had a greater resonance. The Itaves region, an agricultural area, experienced quite often severe draughts. But the one of 1624 was much worse than others they had suffered before. Not a single drop of water had fallen for months and months. The farmers had planted their seed several times in vain. No crop was forthcoming. Fathers Juan de Santa Ana and Andres de haro, vicars of Piat and Tuao respectively, were thinking of organizing some processions and rogations to implore from heaven the much wanted rain, but were afraid that the new Christians might falter in their faith or loose their trust in the power of prayer if the much wanted result were not faithful, who agreed to go ahead with the plan. The Fathers preached fervent sermons to the people, insisting on the need to "repent from their sins and receive the sacrament of reconciliation, so that their prayers for rain would be heard. The people did that with great devotion. They stayed the whole day in the Ermita, confessing their sins, while others sung the Salve and recited other prayers to Our lady. The people themselves proposed to march in procession to the Ermita from their respective towns the following day. Gut even before the procession could get started, it began to rain so profusely first over Piat, and then over Tuao, too, and their "sementeras" that "it seemed that the cataracts of heaven have been broken." The procession was eventually held, but now a procession of thanksgiving to Our Lady of Piat for the favor received. It kept raining uninterruptedly for three days. Needless to say that that year there was an abundant crop! (29).
DZNS pioneered well-crafted programs long before the proclamation of Martial Law in 1972, its glorious years. A programming scheme that was still carried and visualized as the prime factor for crafting carefully the programming base. DZNS continued its cause and high ideals to help the mass based in the countryside and other kinds of people by delivering the best refined programs from SIGN-ON to SIGN-OFF; carrying the mantle of responsibility being the great cause. It was not a profitable venture but it achieved its objevtives in inspiring, teaching and building image by depicting vignettes of Filipino legacy.
For community evangelization is the foremost vision of DZNS and as the driving force behind the programming structure. Starting with the premise, as search for programs that would enlighten, teach, elevate and inspire the community.
Inspired and guided by the Gospel values, the social teachings of the Catholic Church, the renewing movements from the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines, the First Nueva Segovia Pastoral Assembly and the solidarity building of the Catholic Churches in Northern Luzon;
We, the Staff and Administration of radio DZNS, envision a God-centered society where we can experience peace, love, justice, humility, sharing and solidarity and live the presence of the Kingdom of God on earth;
We, envision a Church from which to draw God’s teachings by her words and actions that serves as the model community and leaven to the bigger society;
We also envision a citizenry and faithful that is informed, conscientious, committed, responsible, participative and actively promoting human dignity.
For the realization of our vision, we commit ourselves to:
- 1. serve as an instrument and light to the people in their search for truth necessary for social transformation;
- 2. become genuine Radyong Totoo that proclaims the Good News of Jesus as basis for true Christian communities;
- 3. work actively and efficiently for the organization, formation and mobilization of SISA.
4.Trusting in God’s providence and with the intercession of Nuestra Seniora de Caridad, we are confident in achieving our MISSION towards the ideal society we ENVISION.
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